Celebrity Couples:
Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke
November 2003
Uma – April 29, 1970; 5 of clubs Birth Card, Ace of spades Planetary Ruler Card
Ethan - November 6, 1970; Ace of diamonds Birth Card, 3 of clubs/Queen of spades Planetary Ruler Cards
She's the angelic blonde who twisted with John Travolta in Pulp Fiction and looked absolutely perfect in Gattaca. He was the student with a conscience in Dead Poet's Society who met his match while starring in Gattaca opposite this lovely, unusual beauty. Together, they were one of Hollywood’s most handsome couples. But that was yesterday. Today they are separated.
About Uma Thurman:
- Her mother is originally from Sweden and her father is a Tibetan Buddhist monk.
- Her family is Buddhist, while she considers herself agnostic.
- "Uma" is named after a Hindu deity, the consort of Shiva.
- Her father was a personal friend of the Dalai Lama.
She is romantically linked to many actors in the past including Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, Robert De Niro, Robert Downey, Jr., Richard Gere, Timothy Hutton, Mick Jagger, Don Johnson, Judd Nelson, Brad Pitt. She was previously married to actor Gary Oldman.
- May, 1998 – marriage in Manhattan
- July 8, 1998 – birth of their daughter, Maya Ray
- January 18, 2002 – the birth of their son, Roan
As a 5 of clubs, Uma is essentially unmarriageable. Same applies to Ethan’s Ace of diamonds and 3 of clubs. It seems inevitable that cheating, or at least fears of cheating, would be what broke them up. Ethan is now dating a model named Jennifer Perzow. According to reports in the British press... The 22 year old 34-26-34 Canadian model, says "I'm no home-wrecker. All this stuff that I broke up their marriage is just not true." The couple split when Uma kicked Ethan out because he thought she was having an affair with Quentin Tarantino (March 27, 1963; a 9 of clubs/King of hearts). Uma spent nearly a year filming her new movie Kill Bill, which was a long time away from home. There is no proof she had an affair with Quentin but it appears that as soon as there were rumors, Ethan began having his affairs too.
Many 5 of clubs, after a marriage or two for the experience of it, decide that marriage is just out of the question. Witness Michelle Pfeiffer, another famous 5 of clubs woman born the same day as Uma in 1958. Of course the Ace of diamonds and 3 of clubs are no better. Now that Ethan is famous and somewhat single again, I expect we will see him hook up with many Hollywood beauties.
Earlier this year, Uma had a 9 of hearts and Queen of spades (Ethan’s 2nd Planetary Ruler Card) in Venus. Those divorce cards are at just the right place in time (6/20/03 – 8/11/03) for this breakup. She also has a 9 of hearts Pluto and 3 of hearts Displacement in her Ruling Card’s spread this year. Will she and Tarantino end up together? It’s possible.
For his part, Ethan has a 9 of hearts Long Range in his 3 of clubs spread for the next year in his Planetary Ruler Card spread. He also has a 9 of hearts in Saturn in his Birth Card spread. I say it is over for these two. And we will have to see if Uma ever ties the knot again. I would be very surprised if either of them does.