Wesley Snipes
November 2003
The 10 of hearts has a lot of traits from its first Karma Card, the Jack of clubs. Wesley Snipes, born 7/31/1962, is a good example of this and you must take a closer look at the Jack of clubs to fully appreciate this. Keep in mind that usually our first Karma Card represents qualities we possess that tend to be expressed negatively. But even so there are positive aspects that get expressed as well. Mr. Snipes gets first and foremost his boyish masculinity and good looks from his Jack of clubs first Karma Card. The most masculine cards in the deck are the Aces, Tens, Jacks and Kings. His having both a Ten and Jack for two of his significators guarantees a strong, masculine personality and physique, which serves him very well as a hero in movies such as The Art of War (2000), Passenger 57 (1992), and the Blade (1998). But he is also a very likable ladies man.
One outstanding trait of the Jack of clubs is their strong mentality and often-argumentative nature. This is a card of genius and often a photographic memory. The negative side is a tendency towards very fixed ideas. Many Jack of clubs men have very fixed ideas about love and marriage. They will have huge expectations upon the women in their lives to live up to, but most of all, after they are married. In 1997, Wesley was quoted as saying, "I don't understand the mandate of being together forever. The idea that you should do that is wrong. It makes us slaves to a societal mandate. You can still love, but it doesn't mean you have to be tethered to the flesh [His reference on marriage]." This is a very Jack of clubs, conceptual attitude towards marriage. It is also progressive, another Jack of clubs trait. Wesley played the field quite a bit and seemed to prefer Asian women. This preference is not necessarily a Jack of clubs trait, but because he is black, this does represent a progressive nature, which is very Jack of clubs-like. You may have noticed that a disproportionate amount of his leading ladies are Asian. He even insisted that the role of Mimi (played by Ming-Na), his character's wife in the film One Night Stand (1997), be played by an Asian woman in order to "push the boundaries of racial-sexual taboos." Just this year (2003) Wesley married his Asian girlfriend and father of his second child, Nikki Park. So, it seems that Wesley is often the rebel and trying to push boundaries and social norms. This is a very Aquarian trait, which we commonly associate again with the Jack of clubs.
Another trait of the Jack of clubs is their argumentative nature. Jack of clubs actually enjoy debate and are often seen as those who initiate arguments of all kinds. Taken to extremes, this can become rivalries and conflicts. For his part, Wesley Snipes has been involved in more than his share of legal battles, likely because of this very trait.
But above all else, 10 of hearts love having an audience and the presence of groups around them. Being an actor is a perfect place to have this desire fulfilled. And this is where they differ from those of the Jack of clubs Birth Card. Though sociable, the Jack of clubs does not make this area as high of a priority in their lives. 10 of hearts people will always make sure they have a crowd surrounding them.