Celebrity Couple Shakedown
Who’s Hot and Who’s Not!
November 2003
On behalf of my publisher I have been a guest on some radio shows lately talking about celebrity couples and how the cards can tell what is going on and why. Here are some of my findings, for your entertainment. Celebrities, especially Hollywood types, have always been known to push the boundaries of social norms. Elizabeth Taylor, for example, had a public affair with Richard Burton while she was still married. At that time, this was shocking. So, they continue to shock us, even now. There is a lot of Leo energy in celebrities and Leos are the lovers, but not necessarily the husbands and wives, of the horoscope. So, we have come to expect many changes in lovers, short-term relationships, broken marriages, etc. I expect this pattern will continue as long as actors and actresses remain.
Let’s begin with a very popular couple, Jessica Simpson (7/10/80; 5 of diamonds/7 of clubs) and Nick Lachey (11/9/73; Jack of clubs/2 of clubs/2 of spades). They recently married and are the stars of their own television show. These two are very compatible on a lot of levels and they appear to be the dream couple on and off camera. However, I see trouble down the road. Why, you may ask? Mostly because Nick is a Jack of clubs. Jack of clubs men have very fixed ideas of how a woman should behave as a wife. As soon as marriage takes place, they impose these ideas, which were never even discussed before, on their wife and they can be very controlling and unyielding about it. In this honeymoon stage of their marriage, all seems well. Jessica was recently quoted as saying that “Nick just loves my adventurous (5 of diamonds) nature.” I predict, however, that Nick will really attempt to control Jessica until one day she will have to escape. She is a 5 of diamonds, by the way, and they stand for freedom. It will be fun to see what happens.
With Ben Affleck (8/15/72; Jack of clubs) and Jennifer Lopez (7/24/70; 4 of clubs) I already predicted what has already happened. When I wrote about them last year, there were no marriage cards in either of their spreads in the foreseeable future. I am certain it was a highly romantic relationship while it lasted. I just doubt that J. Lo will ever get married again. She has tried it several times now. Ben, another Jack of clubs like Nick Lachey, seems like he still has some playing around to do before he ties the knot. Jack of clubs are one of the more marriageable cards, however, and he has a 4 of hearts in Venus this fall. Let’s see what develops.
Reese Witherspoon (3/22/76; Ace of diamonds/3 of clubs) and Ryan Phillipe (9/10/74; Ace of diamonds/Q of diamonds). Check this out, they are both Ace of diamonds! When people of the same Birth Card hook up, it is the Planetary Ruling Cards that tell the whole story. In this case, Reese is Moon to Ryan’s Queen of diamond ruler and Reese is Venus and Mars to him as well (3 of clubs). This is a very compatible couple. But there is a catch, you know. That is the fact that Ryan is Queen of diamonds/Ace of diamonds. Both these cards have trouble staying married. I give it 4-5 years tops.
Tom Cruise (7/3/62; Queen of diamonds/Ace of diamonds) and Penelope Cruz (4/28/74; 6 of clubs/Queen of hearts) and Nicole Kidman (6/20/67; 10 of clubs/ 8 of diamonds). It is not news that Tom and Penelope have parted ways. When you think about it, he sure hooked up with her a little too fast after breaking up with Nicole, don’t you think? This is called a transition relationship by many psychologists and transition relationships are always short-lived. Is Tom back with Nicole now? It sure appears that way. He has a 4 of hearts and an 8 of diamonds right now and underlying the 8 of diamonds is the 10 of clubs. So, I say they are back. But I also say it will only be temporary. Tom has the same cards as Ryan Phillipe above, just reversed. Though he was married for ten years, he has a lot going against his settling down for very long. Tom has good connections with both Nicole and Penelope. I don’t think there is anything troubling about either relationship. I think the main problem is his uncertainty about what he wants in the love department.
Courtney Cox (6/15/64; 2 of diamonds/Jack of spades) and David Arquette (9/8/71; 3 of diamonds/Ace of spades). People wonder how these two can be happy together because they seem so different. But look at the great Moon connection they share, a perfect marriage connection. David is the one more likely to cause a breakup, if it ever happens.
Ashton Kutcher (2/7/78; 5 of spades/King of diamonds) and Demi Moore (11/11/62; 9 of clubs/King of hearts/Jack of spades). With 16 or so years between them, people wonder if this could possibly work. Ashton, though younger, is a very strong willed guy with his King of diamonds Planetary Ruling Card. Demi is Venus, Jupiter and Saturn to him. He is also Jupiter to her. Demi has strong marriage cards right now and I am predicting it will happen. How long they will stay together is a question for the future.
Brad Pitt (12/18/63; King of hearts/2 of diamonds) and Jennifer Aniston (2/11/69; Ace of spades/9 of spades). Brad Pitt played around so much earlier that it surprised everyone that he got married and apparently has stayed married. In truth, his birthday is very marriageable. These two are very compatible and have a strong karmic tie. Apparently there has been a lot of talk between them about having children. Now, here comes the rub. Both Brad and Jennifer have strong King of hearts energy (Jennifer’s 9 of spades Planetary Ruling Card has the King of hearts as a Karma Card). Both will want to be the one to decide about children and once the child is born, they will both take their parenting very seriously. I think when this happens their relationship is going to change drastically. Ask any woman who married a King of hearts about what happened after the children showed up. We’ll just have to see if it affects their relationship adversely. Usually, the romance is over and it is time to move on to raising the kids. Usually one or both will feel romantically unsatisfied and that could eventually break up the marriage. Again, we will see…
Charlie Sheen (9/3/65; 8 of diamonds/King of spades) and Denise Richards (2/17/71; 8 of diamonds/5 of clubs); new baby (girl named Sam) born March 9, 2004 (2 of spades/King of spades); married in June 2002.
This is an interesting match-up. Both Charlie and Denise have the same Birth Card, the 8 of diamonds. Charlie gets to lead because the 8 of diamonds is Moon to his King of spades Planetary Ruling Card. That’s all good. But what woman could have helped him finally settle down? Well, Denise’s 5 of clubs ruling card is Saturn to his King of spades. I think it took a woman who was a little Saturn to him to tame his wild side. And being that they are both 8 of diamonds, they understand each other’s wayward tendencies. My feeling is that this one will last a while. What is really interesting is their daughter. First, they gave her a man’s name, Sam. Next, her ruling card is the same as her father’s, the K of spades. This, of course, means that she will be much more like her father than her mother. It will be interesting to see what she is like when she grows up.
Salma Hayek (9/2/66; 9 of diamonds/7 of spades) and Ed Norton (8/18/1969; 8 of clubs) just broke up. I am not surprised. First of all, Salma, having a 7 of spades ruling card, is very strong-willed and determined. Ed is a strong Saturn Card to her. And he, being a fixed Leo 8 of clubs, is basically a take-him-or-leave-him kind of guy. In other words, he is just as you see him and he is not going to change. But besides the fact that they really had no strong connections, the Saturn thing was probably the main focus of their relationship. She is also Pluto to him. I bet that these two had some lively disagreements!