Whitney Houston
May 2003
Born on the 9th of August, 1963, Whitney Houston’s Birth Card is the 4 of diamonds and she is a Leo Sun sign. There is a predominance of Leos in the entertainment industry and it is the Sun sign most suited for being noticed, being a strong personality, and having strong romantic urges that often spark many relationships. Whitney is no less a Leo than the others. However, the 4 of diamonds Birth Card is not one of happiness, even if the person is a Leo. This card is the one in the deck that has an unusual number of hardships and heartaches. Nothing in their lives comes easily and they have an inherent lazy streak that causes them to resist the very thing that will bring them the most fulfillment – hard work. It is also a harder card for a woman, at least that is how it seems. Somehow the men seem to find that hard work ethic faster and get into the groove easier than the ladies of this card. But for both sexes, karma guarantees that there will be hardships of many kinds over the period of their lives.
With Bobby Brown (February 5, 1969) Whitney had as close to a perfect marriage connection as one could expect. She is a Moon Card to his 2 of spades Planetary Ruling Card and her Karma Card, the 5 of spades, shares a past-life love connection with his 7 of spades Birth Card. However, Bobby, being a 7 of spades, can be a completely unreasonable person to deal with. 7 of spades have a past-life karma of abuse of power (King of diamonds first Karma Card) which usually carries forward into this life. There can be arrogance, egomania, and in some cases, an abusive personality. And to top it off, 4 of diamonds people usually attract abusive relationships because deep inside they often abuse themselves.
There can also be escapist tendencies such as drugs or alcohol abuse as well. In spite of great successes, their personal lives usually do not yield the happiness they seek. It’s funny, in a way, because one would see someone like Whitney, or Gillian Anderson and Melanie Griffith who share her birthday, and say “Wow, what a lucky lady she is.” But what is not usually seen is the hell they are enduring in their personal lives. Whitney’s life and personal hell has been displayed for all the world to see. But not all 4 of diamonds have a life of such dramatic losses. The 4 of diamonds who stay focused on their work and makes that come first, before love and other considerations, will escape these horrors and have a great reputation for their achievements and contributions. If Whitney just turns a corner and gets back to work, her entire life and self image will make a miraculous recovery. And looking in her cards, there is a very good possibility that she will do just that, in the next year or so.