Celebrity Profiles
Two Powerful Ten of Diamonds People
July 2003
What do all 10 of diamonds have in common? A desire to be noticed, to be the center of attention. Also, a strong materialistic urge. The desire to make a lot of money. Tens also often have a hidden fear of failure combined with a drive for success. This creates some very successful people in life, but often a kind of personality that is overbearing or “too much.” The two celebrities here certainly share those traits in abundance. But being the ‘most blessed card in the deck’ is not all it’s cracked up to be. Read on to explore what it must be like.
James Eugene Carrey
Born 1/17/1962 10 of diamonds/5 of hearts
“Maybe I'll turn 45, and suddenly I won't need people to tell me I'm great anymore, and I'll just go off in another direction completely."
With his 5 of diamonds Planetary Ruling Card, Jim Carrey has his share of relationships and issues around them. At age 41 he has been married twice and he had a year-long relationship with Renée Zellweger (4/25/1959 – 9 of clubs/2 of hearts). He also dated singer/actress Linda Rondstadt (7/15/1946 – King of clubs/2 of clubs) earlier in his career. His marriages were to Melissa Womer, a waitress from one of the earlier comedy clubs he worked at, and actress Lauren Holly, whom he met on the set of Dumb and Dumber. Lauren, born October 28, 1963 (same cards as Bill Gates: 7 of hearts, Jack of hearts/King of diamonds) must have been a lot to handle for poor Jim. Their marriage lasted ten months. There was Venus, but a whole lot of Mars too, in their relationship. I don’t have the birthday of Melissa. But the latest gossip is that she is filing for an increase in her child support payments from Jim. Seems that $10,000 a month isn’t close to being enough to support her lifestyle these days. In all fairness, she does have Jim’s only child, Jane. His divorce to Melissa has been described as ‘very messy’, thus fulfilling the 10 of diamonds karma of having the 5 of hearts in Saturn.
In recent interviews Jim admits that he is now just dating with no thoughts of marriage. His 5 of hearts freedom-loving nature is finally being expressed. And now that he has, he may never go back, especially after the bad experiences he has had in trying to make marriages work. However, his father, whom he worshipped, was a big family man and set the example for Jim to follow. Perhaps he will have a go at it again after he has sewn his wild oats a while. In two years, Jim reaches his Pinnacle Year, displacing the 8 of diamonds. I predict one or two very big movies by then and then a more or less radical shift in his life, which is common for the Pinnacle Year.
Martha Stewart
Born 8/3/1941 - 10 of diamonds Leo
"You just put on your résumé that you worked for Martha Stewart. That's more valuable than any amount of overtime I could pay you."
The golden girl is in trouble. By lying about a shady stock transaction she has lost an estimated twenty million dollars. The penalty for what she did, if she had come clean, would have been about $5,000. But she is a Leo and looking good is what matters most, which is probably why she lied. Her image means everything to her. She actually has good cards until after her birthday coming soon. But her cards for next year show that this is not going to end well for her. She displaces the 7 of spades and has a 9 of spades and 5 of diamonds in Saturn. Her Mars cards are not much better (7 of hearts/King of clubs). It will be a hard fall for Martha but as we all know, those who climb the highest have the farthest to fall. And climb high she has.
Martha has always managed to keep herself the center of attention. She worked as a model, then a caterer as she developed her style. Her career has done nothing but go up, up, up.
She married Andy Stewart, a Yale law student, in 1961 and they were married until 1987 when he moved out and they eventually got divorced in 1990. It was not an amicable parting. Andy got a court order to keep Martha away. So, it seems that she too maintains the 10 of diamonds karma of a very difficult divorce, one that is karmic in nature. As hard as that was, however, I think the current situation is probably the most difficult of her life. Her entire empire was built upon her apparent moral goodness and propriety. Now, all of that is in question. By making herself such a public paradigm of virtue, Martha has set herself up to be the example that the government will use to illustrate the downside of dishonesty in big business. But Martha is a warrior and will fight this in her warrior manner that has helped her reach such a high place in the world.