Jude Law
The Sexiest Man Alive Is Getting Married
by Robert Lee Camp
January 5, 2005
Jude Law, born December 29, 1972, is enjoying immense success these days. And like so many Hollywood stars and producers, he is 'trading up' in the relationship department to match his newfound fame and success. This may seem a harsh way to put it but it happens frequently among the ranks of Hollywood's most famous. Its nearly predictable!
Recently name the 'Sexiest Man of the Year' and recently divorced. Hmm... I wonder if those two go together? His ex-wife, now business partner in a British film company is Sadie Frost, born June 19, 1967. This makes her a Jack of Clubs and Nine of Diamonds. It's interesting because their two cards do not have a lot in common. It makes me wonder what kind of marriage it was. Jude is a double-Two, Two of Heart with a Two of Diamonds Planetary Ruling Card. Relationships are really what he is all about. Many Twos, both male and female, are so inclined towards partnership that they are very uncomfortable without them. They will often take the first person who comes along and expresses interest in them. This may account for Jude's marriage to Sadie since they seem to have little of the usual 'glue' that we find, card-wise, that holds couples together. In any case, now that Jude is much more of a higher profile person and has moved up the Hollywood food chain, he can have most any woman he wants. And who does he want?
That would be Sienna Miller, whose birthday is one day before his, December 28, 1981. She is a Three of Hearts Birth Card with a Three of Diamonds ruling card. Wow, the chemistry they must have! Any two people who are born one day apart are bound to be compatible and in the case of being of the opposite gender, highly disposed to marriage or long-term commitments. Being born one day apart guarantees that you have at least one very powerful Moon connection, which is the one found in most marriages. But in some cases, as with Jude and Sienna, there are two Moon connections. And in their case, Jude plays the role of Moon to Sienna.
Now this is very interesting and I want to explain that a little because I think it will be a contributing factor in the history of their relationship. Essentially in this relationship Jude plays the role of the wife. Not sexually or anything, but he is the supportive, nurturing person while Sienna gets to be the leader and direction-setter for the two. A man who is Moon to a woman just worships her, just as the opposite. But Jude is already a feminine-type guy to begin with. Being a double Two, he is predisposed to relationship and is very stable in that regard. He will tend to devote himself to whomever he is with, and will tend to be more commitment oriented than even the average guy. He even put a tattoo on his arm for his ex-wife. Her name is still inscribed there.
There is a very big potential problem in this relationship, however. The problem is Sienna. Between her and Jude, she is the more unstable and flighty. And in the relationship with Jude, she is the one more likely to play around. She also can leave the relationship easier than he could. She has probably had many relationships in her life but I would be willing to bet that Jude has not. Anyone who is any of the Threes is bound to have commitment challenges. Well, Sienna is a double-Three! The potential is there for her to lose interest quickly and easily. There is a third Moon connection, however, and in that one, Sienna is Moon to Jude. So, this helps offset what might be a one-sided relationship and will help Jude keep Sienna's interest. I can say that these two are about as compatible as any two people can get. The question remains, what will happen in their future?
Both Jude and Sienna have very strong marriage cards this year. However, the marriage appears to be more important to Jude than Sienna. In his cards, it seems to be the outstanding thing of the year, which as of this writing, has just began. Sienna is also Jude's Pluto card this year, indicating that this upcoming marriage to her is going to really change him and challenge him. It's interesting that both have strong marriage influences for the next two years. This makes it a little hard to say for certain which year they will actually tie the knot. Perhaps a date has already been planned but if so, I am unaware of it. In Sienna's cards it looks more like 2006 than 2005, though she has some indications this year as well.
My bet is that they will get married this year and that Sienna will have a baby next. Many of the cards that are for marriage are also for having a child. Having a baby is a stabilizing influence on any relationship and would help even an unstable person hang in longer than usual. However, in 2007, Sienna has some strong cards that could indicate a separation or divorce. Jude has some as well, but it is too early to say if this will actually happen. Those same cards could indicate a significant move or change of residence.