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Celebrities in the News

The Brad and Jen Split
by Robert Lee Camp - January 10, 2005

It made the headlines, the official splitting up of this famous Hollywood couple, Brad Pitt (12/18/1963) and Jennifer Aniston (2/11/1969). Married four years so far everyone regarded them as the happiest and most content of the Hollywood lot. But something was brewing and speculation abounds as to why they are splitting up, especially after talks of them having a baby soon.  Read More

This Week's Celebrity Birthday Profile and Prediction:

Christian Bale
Born January 30, 1974

Another Ten of Clubs who has found his calling, Christian Bale is destined for ongoing super success. Starting with his lead role in Empire of the Sun in 1987, he has become recognized as someone destined for super star status.   Read More

Celebrity Couple Profile:

Freddie Prinze Jr. and Sarah Michelle Gellar
Freddie Prinze Jr. -- March 8, 1976 -- Two of Spades / King of Spades
Sarah Michelle Gellar -- April 14, 1977 -- Seven of Diamonds / Nine of Clubs

Freddie and Sarah Michelle are not your typical Hollywood couple, or are they? One thing is for certain: this is not your typical marriage by any means. For one, they have no Moon connections, anywhere. And they have that special connection as being both part of the special family of seven cards, Freddie being a King of Spades ruler and Sarah Michelle being a Seven of Diamonds Birth Card.  Read More

Donald Trump - Marriage or ???

by Robert Lee Camp
January 5, 2005

Donald Trump, born June 14, 1946 is a Three of Diamonds and an Ace of Spades as his Planetary Ruling Card. Not many Three of Diamonds have the sort of huge success he is enjoying as that card is often associated with ongoing fears about poverty. It is likely that Donald has these same fears, but in his case they motivated him to keep making more, more and more money.  Read More