Celebrity Couple Update:
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony
July 2004
Well, Jennifer Lopez has done it again! She is married, this time to Latino crooner, Marc Anthony, (9/16/68) an 8 of clubs Birth Card and 6 of diamonds Planetary Ruling Card. And the latest rumor is either that she is pregnant with child or planning to have a child with him. Funny, when Joseph and I first looked up their cards we noticed that the baby thing looks like a done deal. Both of them have lots of baby cards coming up. But what of their marriage? Sports bettors in London will give you three to one odds that their marriage will not last one year. So, if you would like to make some quick cash, this could be an opportunity! However, the bookies in the UK do not have the benefit of the cards as we do. And they may not have realized that a baby is in their future. Babies have a way of extending otherwise short marriages, at least for a couple of years.
Jennifer usually picks powerful men, whom she can fight with. This time, she ended up with a Fixed Card, the 8 of clubs, which also happens to be her direct Mars Card. I predict that they will last more than a year, but it is going to be hard. They both show up in Saturn in each other’s spreads next year. But I still think they will stay together at least that long.